19 December – Mindfulness advent challenge

Wonder as you wander

When I was little, one of the things I most looked forward to was spotting Christmas trees appearing in windows as we drove through the city.

My mum and I would count the trees, pick out our favourites and revel in the magic of those twinkling lights.

It was a beautiful way to slow down and savour the magic of the festive season with my family. And today I still feel a ping of excitement when I see a tree appear in a window.

Our 2019 stroll around Edinburgh to look at the lights

Take a look at the lights

Today’s invitation is to get out of the house, wrap up warm and take a stroll around your neighbourhood to look at the lights and decorations. Or perhaps your town’s decorations or shop windows. Or if it’s a clear night, look up and gaze at the night sky.

Breathe in the fresh air deeply, engage your senses, feel the ground beneath your feet, notice the smells of nature and the sights and sounds of the festive season around you. Feel your worries melt away – even just for a moment.

You could take a hot chocolate or another favourite drink with you to keep you warm – and perhaps turn this into a family walk, noticing together things and experiences that make you smile.

Quality time with loved ones can bring your blood pressure down and make you feel calmer. Spending just 15 minutes outside can reduce stress and anxiety, and help you better manage your emotions.

#mindfuladvent #adventcalendar #alternativeadvent #consciouschristmas #mindfulliving #selfawareness #justbreathe #bepresent #christmasoverwhelm #pauseandfocus #twinklinglights #getoutside

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